Your Glass Sealant Professional
Scratch Removal Specialists leaves clients with sparkling clear glass every day with our glass restoration services. Keeping that glass clean and clear can be a challenge that takes additional time and effort to keep up with. Help keep your glass looking bright and clear with much less maintenance by having a professional glass sealant coating applied.
We are an authorized installer for Glassparency liquid glass coatings . Glassparency is a proven leader in their industry, and they provide the highest quality products. Their hydrophobic glass treatment significantly reduces the maintenance needed to keep glass clean and clear. This includes longer time between cleanings and resisting stains from water, dirt, and other contaminants. In addition, you enjoy brighter clarity with more natural light.
For more information and details on their residential and commercial applications please visit:
Residential and Commercial
Shower Enclosures
The marine environment is especially tough for keeping glass clean and clear. This can be very frustrating in the Yachting industry where standards are very high and glass must be perfect at all times. The Glassparency glass sealant coating is a lifesaver by repelling saltwater, dirt, grime, and allowing for much less time spent cleaning. The performance from a Glassparency application is light years ahead of any available store-bought products.
For more information on Yacht and marine applications please visit:
Yacht and Marine